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Small Business Saturday

Saturday 3rd December is Small Business Saturday! It’s an ideal opportunity to celebrate your local small business community There’s a long history of this part of Sheffield - which was once known as Little Sheffield - being an important community of small businesses. Today, more small businesses are moving into the area, attracted by the repurposed buildings which make great homes for a variety of businesses. From Yoga, to Baking, Cafes to Potteries, Architects to Counsellors, Musicians to Bow Makers … the list is long and varied. Small Business Saturday is an opportunity to celebrate what’s good about our local small businesses. Discover a new favourite small business on your doorstep!

Meet a local small business

Interviews with local small business owners to celebrate Small Business Saturday

The number of new businesses being created in the UK jumped by 18 per cent year-on-year, according to research. Despite the economic backdrop, 93 new businesses were created every hour across the UK in the first half of 2022


Find a local small business in our online directory

December Exhibition of Tenant Portraits

Visit the cafe in December to see our tenant portrait series.

‘Little Sheffield’ history

Little Mesters, small businesses, have been an important part of our neighbourhood since the steel trade was founded here