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Social Media Coaching

Small group coaching @HW

In October we’ll be starting a new initiative: we’ll be hosting a small group of business owners for 6 weekly or fortnightly meetups to support each other in planning our social media posts! As this is a beta round it’ll be free in return for feedback from participants. It’s nearly full (as of 27 Sep) but if you’d like to join us please use the ‘apply’ link above and I’ll be in touch. The scheduling of the sessions will be tailored to fit the group’s availability.


What will we cover?
This group will build on the elements we cover in our Intro to Social Media for Busy Small Business Owners online course. The course teaches the importance of being consistent in order to get results from social media for your business, and shares tips to make this quicker and easier - so you can fit it into your - already crowded - week.

The group coaching session means we can offer each other support and accountability as we put the steps into practice and posts consistently! We’ll also have chance to go into the strategy behind your use of social media to build your business. A group can be a useful asset for any small business owner - but for social media the #hivemind effect of brainstorming your post ideas with others is particularly powerful. Things you hardly notice about your business, because they are so familiary to you, may actually offer GREAT content for social media posts that are super easy for you to do. Having an outsiders / beginners perspective on your content can really help you get unstuck and ‘see’ what valuable content you have around you.

Next round for the group
If you miss this beta round, but think you’d like to join the next one, please use the apply link above to let me know - I can add you to the waiting list. Preference will be given to those who’ve already completed my Intro level course … because you’ll be on the same page as the rest of us then!

The Intro Course
As mentioned above, the Intro to Social Media for Busy Small Business Owners is a 4 week online course. After 3 beta rounds, it’s now available to buy for £147. It is all online - you can complete it at your own pace. Once you’ve done it, you’ll be invited to sign up for the 6 week group coaching programme. If you’d like more info on the course you can find it here.

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